How To Cook An Egg

Title: How To Cook An Egg: An Ultimate Guide to Egg-cellent Cooking Techniques


Eggs are a staple ingredient in many households, loved for their versatility and nutritional benefits. They are an affordable and delicious source of high-quality protein and essential nutrients. But do you know the best techniques for cooking eggs? With numerous methods to choose from, eggs can be prepared to satisfy a variety of tastes and preferences. In this blog post, we will explore the different ways to cook an egg, offering tips, tricks, and examples to help you master each method.

  1. Boiling

Boiled eggs are a classic and easy way to enjoy eggs. They can be prepared in two ways: soft-boiled or hard-boiled.

a. Soft-boiled eggs

Soft-boiled eggs have a partially cooked yolk with a runny center, perfect for dipping toast soldiers or adding to a salad. To cook a soft-boiled egg:

  1. Fill a pot with enough water to cover the eggs and bring to a rolling boil.

  2. Lower the eggs gently into the boiling water using a slotted spoon.

  3. Boil the eggs for 4-5 minutes, depending on your desired yolk consistency.

  4. Remove the eggs using the slotted spoon and immediately transfer them to a bowl of ice water to stop the cooking process.

  5. Peel the eggs carefully and serve immediately.

b. Hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs have a firm, fully cooked yolk and are perfect for egg salads or on-the-go snacks. To cook a hard-boiled egg:

  1. Follow the same steps as soft-boiled eggs, but increase the boiling time to 9-12 minutes.

  2. After cooling in ice water, tap the eggshell gently on a hard surface and roll it between your hands to loosen the shell. Peel the egg and enjoy.

  3. Poaching

Poached eggs have a soft, creamy yolk and tender egg whites. They are a delicious addition to avocado toast, eggs Benedict, or salads. To poach an egg:

  1. Fill a saucepan with water and add a splash of vinegar (which helps the egg whites coagulate faster). Bring to a gentle simmer.

  2. Crack the egg into a small cup or ramekin.

  3. Stir the simmering water to create a whirlpool, and gently slide the egg into the center.

  4. Cook for 3-4 minutes, until the egg whites are set but the yolk is still runny.

  5. Use a slotted spoon to remove the egg, draining any excess water. Serve immediately.

  6. Frying

Fried eggs can be cooked sunny side up, over-easy, over-medium, or over-hard, depending on your preference for yolk consistency.

a. Sunny side up

A sunny side up egg has a runny yolk and slightly crispy edges. To cook a sunny side up egg:

  1. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of butter or oil.

  2. Crack the egg into the skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes, until the egg whites are set.

  3. Season with salt and pepper, and serve immediately.

b. Over-easy, over-medium, and over-hard

These methods involve flipping the egg to cook both sides. The difference between them lies in the yolk's consistency. To cook an over-easy, over-medium, or over-hard egg:

  1. Follow the same steps as sunny side up, but after the egg whites have set, carefully flip the egg using a spatula.

  2. Cook for an additional 1-2 minutes for over-easy, 2-3 minutes for over-medium, or 3-4 minutes for over-hard, depending on your desired yolk consistency. 3. Season with salt and pepper, and serve immediately.

    1. Scrambling

    Scrambled eggs are a popular and satisfying breakfast option. They can be customized with various ingredients, such as cheese, vegetables, or meats. To make scrambled eggs:

    1. Crack the desired number of eggs into a bowl and whisk until the yolks and whites are combined. Season with salt and pepper.

    2. Heat a non-stick skillet over medium heat and add a small amount of butter or oil.

    3. Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet, stirring constantly with a spatula to create soft, fluffy curds.

    4. Cook until the eggs are just set but still slightly wet, as they will continue to cook from residual heat. Remove from heat and serve immediately.

    5. Omelette

    An omelette is a folded egg dish that can be filled with a variety of ingredients. It's an excellent way to use up leftovers or to create a delicious and filling meal. To make an omelette:

    1. Follow the same steps as scrambled eggs, but let the beaten eggs sit undisturbed in the skillet for a few moments, allowing the edges to set.

    2. Add your desired fillings (such as sautéed vegetables, cooked meats, or cheese) to one side of the omelette.

    3. Use a spatula to fold the omelette in half, covering the fillings, and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

    4. Slide the omelette onto a plate and serve immediately.

    5. Baking

    Baked eggs, also known as shirred eggs, are cooked in a ramekin or oven-safe dish, often with additional ingredients for flavor. This method is perfect for serving a crowd or for a special occasion. To bake eggs:

    1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C).

    2. Grease an oven-safe dish or ramekin with butter or oil.

    3. Crack the desired number of eggs into the dish, being careful not to break the yolks.

    4. Add your desired ingredients (such as cream, grated cheese, or cooked vegetables) and season with salt and pepper.

    5. Bake for 12-15 minutes, or until the egg whites are set but the yolks are still slightly runny.

    6. Remove from the oven and serve immediately.


    With so many ways to cook an egg, it's no wonder they are a beloved ingredient in many kitchens. Each cooking method offers a unique texture and flavor profile, making eggs a versatile and delicious addition to any meal. By mastering these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to create egg dishes that are not only nutritious but also satisfying and enjoyable. So go ahead, crack open a few eggs and get cooking!

Ashton Butler

Hi! My name is Ashton, and I go by JustLikeGranny on all of my social media platforms. I am a 30-year-old disabled home cook. I enjoy cooking (obviously), crocheting, and thrift-store shopping. I have a partner named David and two little furball babies called Oscar and Olivia. I hope you enjoy my website and all of the recipes on it. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for delicious weekly recipes!

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