Welcome to Just Like Granny’s Kitchen!

Hey there, I'm Ashton, but you might know me as "JustLikeGranny" on social media. I'm all about food, and I mean, who isn't, right?

I cook up a storm, and I love turning everyday stuff into tasty, mouthwatering dishes. But here's the cool part—I team up with companies to make cooking even more exciting.

So, if you're into scrumptious recipes and want to see products put to delicious use, you've got to stick around. I promise you won't leave hungry! Just like this delicious Peanut Brittle Recipe here!

Recently On The Blog

Campbell’s Soups: The Secret Ingredient to Perfect Meals!
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Campbell’s Soups: The Secret Ingredient to Perfect Meals!

When it comes to enhancing the flavor of your favorite dishes, nothing beats the rich, savory taste of Campbell’s Soups. Known for their quality and versatility, these soups have become a staple in kitchens worldwide. Let’s explore why Campbell’s Soups are a must-have and highlight ten of their most popular varieties.

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The Culinary Enthusiast’s Library: Essential Cookbooks and Magazines for Every Kitchen
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The Culinary Enthusiast’s Library: Essential Cookbooks and Magazines for Every Kitchen

Whether you’re a budding home cook or a seasoned chef, the right resources can elevate your culinary skills and inspire your kitchen creations. In this post, we delve into the essential cookbooks and magazines that are staples in the cooking world. These selections are more than just collections of recipes; they’re gateways to new cuisines, techniques, and culinary wisdom.

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Egg Substitutes: Perfect Alternatives for Your Cooking and Baking Needs
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Egg Substitutes: Perfect Alternatives for Your Cooking and Baking Needs

Eggs are a staple in many recipes, but there are numerous reasons why you might seek an alternative. Whether it’s due to allergies, dietary preferences, or simply running out of eggs, there are various substitutes that can step in without compromising taste or texture. Here’s your guide to the best egg substitutes for different culinary needs.

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Elevate Your Cooking Game with the ThermoPro TempSpike - A Must-Have for Every Kitchen!
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Elevate Your Cooking Game with the ThermoPro TempSpike - A Must-Have for Every Kitchen!

Hey there, fellow cooking enthusiasts! I’ve stumbled upon a kitchen gadget that has completely transformed my cooking experience, and I just can’t keep this secret to myself. It’s the ThermoPro TempSpike, and believe me, it’s a game changer for anyone who loves precision in their culinary adventures. Whether you’re a fan of outdoor grilling, a dad who’s the king of barbecue, or a mom who prides herself on perfectly cooked roasts, this smart meat thermometer is a gift that keeps on giving.

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How To Boil Eggs Recipe
Guides, DIY's, Snack, Appetizer, Breakfast, Side Dish Ashton Butler Guides, DIY's, Snack, Appetizer, Breakfast, Side Dish Ashton Butler

How To Boil Eggs Recipe

The Perfect Boiled Eggs: A Foolproof Guide

Boiling eggs might sound like a straightforward kitchen task, but achieving that ideal balance between a firm white and a creamy yolk can sometimes be a bit tricky. Whether you're preparing eggs for a hearty breakfast, a tasty salad, or a satisfying snack, this step-by-step guide will help you master the art of boiling eggs to perfection every time.

The Essential Ingredients

Before you begin, gather your essentials:

Eggs: Choose fresh eggs with intact shells for the best results.

Tools of the Trade

You'll need a few kitchen tools to boil eggs with ease:

Saucepan: A medium-sized saucepan with a lid.

Water: Enough water to cover the eggs by at least an inch.

Slotted Spoon: For safely removing the eggs from hot water.

Timer: A kitchen timer or a timer app on your phone.

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How to Safely Carve Pumpkins at Home for Halloween
Guides, DIY's, Non-Food Related Ashton Butler Guides, DIY's, Non-Food Related Ashton Butler

How to Safely Carve Pumpkins at Home for Halloween

Pumpkin Carving: A Fun, Yet Safety-Critical Activity

Pumpkin carving is a cherished autumn ritual, bringing families and friends together to express their creativity. However, it’s crucial to approach this activity with a safety-first mindset. Each year, emergency rooms witness a spike in hand and finger injuries related to pumpkin carving mishaps. The primary cause? The improper use of tools and lack of safety measures.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable pumpkin carving experience, follow these essential tips:

1. Choose the Right Tools: Opt for specially designed pumpkin carving kits instead of kitchen knives. These tools are less sharp and more manageable, reducing the risk of slips and deep cuts.

2. Stable Work Surface: Carve your pumpkin on a flat, stable surface. A wobbly table can lead to accidents, so ensure your carving area is secure.

3. Adult Supervision: Children should always be supervised. Let them draw the designs and clean the pumpkins, but leave the carving to adults.

4. Lighting Considerations: Avoid using real candles inside carved pumpkins. LED lights or battery-operated candles are safer alternatives that reduce the risk of fire hazards.

5. Emergency Preparedness: In case of an accident, have a first aid kit nearby. Knowing basic first aid can make a significant difference in response to a cut or injury.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the art of pumpkin carving while keeping everyone safe. Remember, a safe Halloween is a happy Halloween!

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Budget Friendly Tips for Healthy Eating When Going Out
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Budget Friendly Tips for Healthy Eating When Going Out

How does not eating out save money? It's simple - the more often you eat out, the more you spend. But that doesn't mean you have to give up restaurant meals entirely. By cooking at home more often and finding a balance, you can save significantly. In this post, we'll share two quick tips for eating out: choosing restaurants wisely and opting for water instead of expensive beverages. Additionally, we'll explore how you can enjoy eating out with your family without breaking the bank, and provide some budget-friendly meal ideas and tips for beginners.

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The Best Old Fashioned Cherry Jam Recipe: Just Like Granny Used To Make!
Guides, DIY's, Side Dish, Breakfast, Appetizer Ashton Butler Guides, DIY's, Side Dish, Breakfast, Appetizer Ashton Butler

The Best Old Fashioned Cherry Jam Recipe: Just Like Granny Used To Make!

Welcome to My Kitchen: Crafting the Perfect Old Fashioned Cherry Jam Indulge in the delightful flavors of my easy Old Fashioned Cherry Jam recipe! From sweet cherry pies to luscious jams, cherries are incredibly versatile. Choose between sweet or sour cherries for a unique twist. No added pectin is needed—just fresh cherries, sugar, lemon juice, water, and a touch of butter. Get ready to savor the perfect jam consistency. Happy cooking!

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The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Tools: The Top 7 Must-Haves and More
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The Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Tools: The Top 7 Must-Haves and More

Embark on a culinary journey like no other with our Ultimate Guide to Kitchen Tools! Whether you're a novice in the kitchen or a seasoned home chef, our comprehensive guide reveals the top seven must-haves and more to elevate your cooking experience. Discover the unparalleled versatility of a cast-iron skillet, the silent support of a sturdy cutting board, the indispensable role of kitchen shears, and much more. With these tools, you can turn everyday cooking into an art, prepare quick family meals or experiment with southern-style comfort food with ease. Remember, the best kitchen tools are those that suit your needs and complement your cooking style. It's time to gear up and create culinary magic in your kitchen!

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How to Become a Food Blogger: Turning Your Culinary Passions into a Tasty Career
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How to Become a Food Blogger: Turning Your Culinary Passions into a Tasty Career

Ready to turn your culinary passions into a career? Discover how to become a food blogger in this comprehensive guide! Learn about finding your unique food personality, getting tech-savvy, mastering food photography, and more. Whether you're a comfort food lover or a fine dining connoisseur, this is your step-by-step guide to starting a food blog and sharing your delicious creations with the world.

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5 Breakfast Ideas That Can Feed A Crowd: Satisfying, Simple, and Scrumptious
Breakfast, Guides Ashton Butler Breakfast, Guides Ashton Butler

5 Breakfast Ideas That Can Feed A Crowd: Satisfying, Simple, and Scrumptious

Are you in need of breakfast ideas that can satisfy a crowd? Look no further! Our collection of five scrumptious breakfast recipes is here to save the day. From the classic Cheesy Egg Breakfast Casserole to the unique Hashbrown Casserole with Italian Sausage, we've got you covered. These delicious dishes are not only easy to prepare but also perfect for large gatherings. So, why wait? Start cooking up a storm and create unforgettable breakfast memories for everyone. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more amazing recipes and exclusive offers. Happy cooking!

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The Magic of Midsommar: Exploring the Swedish Tradition of Midsummer Celebrations
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The Magic of Midsommar: Exploring the Swedish Tradition of Midsummer Celebrations

As the sun casts its warm glow over Sweden's enchanting landscapes, a time-honored tradition takes center stage: Midsommar. This cherished celebration marks the arrival of summer, bringing together families and friends to revel in the magic of the season. From the iconic Midsummer pole adorned with flowers to the delectable feasts featuring pickled herring and strawberries with cream, Midsommar is a feast for the senses. Join us on a journey through the captivating world of Midsommar, where ancient pagan rituals blend seamlessly with joyous festivities, creating cherished memories and a deep appreciation for Swedish culture.

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5 Delicious Summer Recipes YOU Should Be Making to Beat the Heat
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5 Delicious Summer Recipes YOU Should Be Making to Beat the Heat

Beat the summer heat with these 5 delicious recipes that are perfect for easy and quick meals. From refreshing beverages like Sugar-Free Raspberry Lemonade to mouthwatering dishes like Grilled Teriyaki Steak Kabobs, there's something for everyone. Indulge in Southern-style comfort food with Honey Bourbon BBQ Pork Butt Slices or elevate your gatherings with the elegant Bellini Cocktail. Whether you're hosting a summer party or enjoying a cozy evening, these recipes will satisfy your cravings and keep you cool all season long. Get ready to create unforgettable culinary moments with these simple and tasty summer recipes.

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How To Cook An Egg
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How To Cook An Egg

Eggs, with their versatility and nutritional benefits, are a staple ingredient in many households. You can enjoy high-quality protein and essential nutrients without breaking the bank. However, you may find it important to know the best techniques for preparing eggs since there are numerous cooking methods to choose from. In this ultimate guide to egg-cellent cooking techniques, we'll explore various methods to help you master the art of cooking eggs. Whether you prefer boiled, poached, fried, scrambled, baked, or in the form of an omelette, we've got you covered. From soft-boiled to hard-boiled eggs, each method has its own unique appeal and can be enjoyed in different ways. I love poached eggs because of their delicate, creamy yolk and tender whites. They are perfect for dishes like my favorite avocado toast and eggs Benedict. Are you in the mood for a classic fried egg? You can choose between sunny side up or over-easy, medium, or hard, depending on your desired yolk consistency. You can enjoy a satisfying breakfast by making scrambled eggs with your favorite ingredients. If you're looking to create a flavorful and filling meal, you could try making omelettes filled with sautéed vegetables, cooked meats, or cheese. For special occasions or serving a crowd, baked eggs in a ramekin or oven-safe dish offer a delightful treat. By mastering these cooking techniques, you'll have the skills to create nutritious, satisfying, and enjoyable egg dishes that you can enjoy anytime. So let's grab a few eggs, crack them open, and start cooking!

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How To Properly Season Your Cast Iron Skillets
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How To Properly Season Your Cast Iron Skillets

Cast iron skillets are awesome, right? They're perfect for cooking all sorts of things, and they last forever. But to keep them in tip-top shape, you need to season them correctly. To do this, start by preheating your oven to 375°F. Next, wash your skillet with hot, soapy water and dry it completely with a towel. Then, apply a thin layer of oil to the entire surface of the skillet, including the handle and exterior. Now, put the skillet upside down on the top rack of your oven, with a sheet of aluminum foil on the bottom rack to catch any drips. Bake it for about an hour, then turn off the oven and let the skillet cool completely before removing it. If necessary, repeat this process a few times until the skillet develops a smooth, non-stick surface. And after each use, rinse the skillet with hot water, dry it completely, and apply a thin layer of oil to the cooking surface. With proper seasoning and care, your cast iron skillet will become your go-to cooking tool and last for generations.

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3 Tips To Finding The Perfect Avocado
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3 Tips To Finding The Perfect Avocado

Avocados are a versatile and delicious fruit that can elevate any dish. But finding the perfect one can be tricky. Here are three tips to help you choose the best avocado: Firstly, look at the color and texture of the avocado. A ripe avocado should have a dark green, almost black, skin and should be slightly soft to the touch. Avoid avocados with bruises or soft spots, as these may indicate that the fruit is overripe or damaged. Secondly, check the stem of the avocado. By removing the stem at the top of the avocado, you can tell if it is ripe. If the color is green, the avocado is likely ripe and ready to eat. If the color is brown, the avocado may be overripe or even rotten. Lastly, consider the ripening process when selecting an avocado. If you need to use the avocado right away, choose one that is already ripe. But if you're buying avocados in advance, pick ones that are still firm to the touch and allow them to ripen at home over a few days. To speed up the ripening process, place the avocados in a paper bag with an apple or banana. By following these tips, you can find the perfect avocado every time. Whether you're making guacamole, adding slices to your sandwich, or enjoying them on their own, a ripe and flavorful avocado can make all the difference. So, next time you're at the grocery store or farmer's market, use these tips to select the best avocados for your dishes.

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Bake to Perfection: A Step-by-Step Guide on Cooking Bacon in the Oven
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Bake to Perfection: A Step-by-Step Guide on Cooking Bacon in the Oven

Bacon is a popular breakfast food that can be cooked in a variety of ways, including pan-frying, grilling, and baking in the oven. Cooking bacon in the oven is a convenient and mess-free option that can produce perfectly crisp and evenly cooked bacon every time. The key to oven-baking bacon to perfection is to use a low temperature, which allows the bacon to cook slowly and evenly without burning or becoming too greasy. Another important factor is to place the bacon on a wire rack set over a baking sheet, which allows the bacon to cook evenly on both sides and keeps it from becoming soggy. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy delicious, perfectly cooked bacon every time, right from your oven. Whether you're making breakfast for a large crowd or just cooking a quick and easy meal for yourself, oven-baked bacon is a versatile and delicious option that is sure to please.

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