Welcome to Just Like Granny’s Kitchen!

Hey there, I'm Ashton, but you might know me as "JustLikeGranny" on social media. I'm all about food, and I mean, who isn't, right?

I cook up a storm, and I love turning everyday stuff into tasty, mouthwatering dishes. But here's the cool part—I team up with companies to make cooking even more exciting.

So, if you're into scrumptious recipes and want to see products put to delicious use, you've got to stick around. I promise you won't leave hungry! Just like this delicious Peanut Brittle Recipe here!

Recently On The Blog

The Best Roast Beef For The Holidays You Will Ever Eat!
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The Best Roast Beef For The Holidays You Will Ever Eat!

When it comes to holiday celebrations, few culinary traditions evoke the same sense of festivity and indulgence as a Christmas roast. The sight of a beautifully browned roast, the aroma that fills the air, and the exquisite taste of tender, flavorful meat make it the centerpiece of a holiday feast that delights the senses. Let's explore the art of preparing and savoring a Christmas roast that's sure to become a cherished tradition.

A Time-Honored Tradition

Roasting meats for festive occasions dates back centuries, with Christmas being no exception. It's a tradition that's steeped in history and signifies the heartwarming essence of togetherness and celebration. A Christmas roast isn't just a meal; it's a symbol of joy and abundance.

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My Family’s Best Christmas Ham Recipe
Dinner Ashton Butler Dinner Ashton Butler

My Family’s Best Christmas Ham Recipe

As the holiday season approaches and the air fills with warmth and festivity, there's one culinary tradition that takes center stage on Christmas dinner tables around the world – the Christmas Ham. This beloved centerpiece, with its succulent meat and flavorful glaze, is a symbol of celebration and togetherness. Let's embark on a culinary journey to discover the art of preparing the perfect Christmas Ham.

A Tradition Carved in Flavor

The tradition of serving ham at Christmas dates back centuries. It's believed to have originated in medieval Europe, where a freshly slaughtered pig provided a source of fresh meat for the winter months. Today, Christmas Ham remains a cherished tradition in many countries, each with its unique preparations and glaze recipes.

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The Best Roasted Turkey Recipe
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The Best Roasted Turkey Recipe

Thanksgiving, with its essence of gratitude and togetherness, is synonymous with one culinary centerpiece that steals the show on every holiday table – the roasted turkey. This magnificent bird, adorned with its golden-brown skin and tender, succulent meat, is more than just a meal; it's a symbol of tradition, a testament to the joys of sharing, and the heart and soul of a Thanksgiving feast. Let's delve into the art of preparing and savoring a roasted turkey that will make your Thanksgiving memorable for years to come.

The Thanksgiving Tradition

Roasting a turkey for Thanksgiving is a tradition that has deep roots in American history, dating back to the early 17th century when Pilgrims celebrated their bountiful harvest with Native American friends. Today, the turkey remains at the heart of the Thanksgiving celebration, embodying the spirit of the holiday.

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The Best Shepards Pie Recipe
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The Best Shepards Pie Recipe

When it comes to comfort food that warms the soul and satisfies your cravings, few dishes can hold a candle to Shepherd's Pie. This classic British comfort food, known for its savory meat filling and creamy mashed potato topping, has a timeless appeal that transcends generations. Whether you're seeking a cozy family dinner or a crowd-pleasing dish for a potluck, Shepherd's Pie never disappoints.

A Taste of Tradition

The origins of Shepherd's Pie can be traced back to the UK, where it has been a cherished dish for centuries. Originally made with leftover roasted meat, this pie was an ingenious way to create a hearty and delicious meal with minimal waste. Today, Shepherd's Pie continues to be a symbol of homey comfort and a reminder of the joys of simple, rustic cooking.

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Swedish Christmas Ham Recipe
Dinner Ashton Butler Dinner Ashton Butler

Swedish Christmas Ham Recipe

As the snow blankets the picturesque landscapes of Sweden and the festive lights twinkle in every window, there's a culinary tradition that takes center stage during the holiday season – Swedish Christmas Ham, or "Julskinka." This beloved dish is as essential to a Swedish Christmas celebration as Santa Claus is to the gift-giving season. With its rich flavors and centuries-old heritage, Swedish Christmas Ham is the star of the holiday table, bringing warmth and a sense of togetherness to every gathering.

A Time-Honored Tradition

Swedish Christmas Ham traces its roots back to the 16th century, making it a cherished part of the country's culinary history. Over the years, it has evolved into a symbol of Christmas in Sweden, embodying the spirit of the season. Families across the country come together to prepare and savor this succulent and flavorful dish, carrying on a tradition that has been passed down through generations.

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Great Granny Maes Cornbread Dressing Recipe
Side Dish, Dinner Ashton Butler Side Dish, Dinner Ashton Butler

Great Granny Maes Cornbread Dressing Recipe

In today’s post, I’m thrilled to share a recipe that’s very close to my heart - Great Granny Mae’s Thanksgiving Cornbread Dressing. This isn’t just any dressing; it’s a taste of my family’s heritage and a staple at our Thanksgiving table. The recipe starts with crumbly, stale cornbread mixed with tender, shredded chicken thighs, giving it a heartiness that’s both comforting and satisfying. The onions, sautéed until they’re sweet and translucent, add a depth of flavor that complements the simplicity of the cornbread.

What really sets this dressing apart, though, is how the flavors deepen and meld together, thanks to the homemade chicken broth. It’s a dish that balances simplicity with rich, savory notes, making it a perfect side dish for your holiday feasts. Every bite of this cornbread dressing doesn’t just bring the warmth and joy of Thanksgiving, but it also carries the legacy and love of my Great Granny Mae. It’s more than a recipe; it’s a part of our family tradition that I am proud to share with you.

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Pop’s Old Fashioned Easy Chili Recipe
Lunch, Dinner Ashton Butler Lunch, Dinner Ashton Butler

Pop’s Old Fashioned Easy Chili Recipe

As the autumn winds start whispering and the leaves turn their golden hues, nothing says comfort like a bowl of hearty chili. Today, I’m sharing a special recipe that’s close to my heart - Pop’s Chili. This isn’t just any chili; it’s a recipe steeped in family tradition, bringing not only warmth to your table but a piece of my heritage.

In Pop’s Chili, we meld together the richness of ground beef, the heartiness of kidney beans, and the deep, soulful flavors of stewed tomatoes, all simmering in a tangy tomato juice base. Seasoned with the classic Ingles Lora Lynn chili spices, this dish is a simple, yet profound nod to the way my Pop used to make it. His secret? Keeping it simple and letting each ingredient tell its story.

Each spoonful takes me back to my childhood, where the aroma filled our family kitchen, and laughter was the secret ingredient that made every dish taste better. I’ve included some notes in the recipe to make this chili even more spectacular, adapting it to modern palates while staying true to its roots.

As you gather around the table, sharing this chili with your loved ones, remember that the best recipes aren’t just about the ingredients; they’re about the memories they evoke and the new ones they inspire. Enjoy Pop’s Chili, and may it bring as much joy to your family as it has to mine.

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Old-Fashioned Chicken Dumplings
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Old-Fashioned Chicken Dumplings

This traditional recipe for Chicken and Dumplings from Margaret Gaddis is a quintessential comfort food, perfect for feeding a large group or family gathering. The recipe, focusing on a home-cooked hen and handmade dumplings, speaks to a time-honored way of cooking, where patience and care in preparation are as important as the ingredients themselves. The use of a whole chicken, cooked until tender and deboned, along with the hand-rolled, flour-based dumplings, simmered in rich, homemade broth, creates a dish that’s both hearty and heartwarming. It’s a classic recipe, sure to evoke memories of family dinners and the warm, comforting embrace of home-cooked meals. Serves about 15 people, making it ideal for large gatherings or for having plenty of delightful leftovers.

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Crockpot Southern-Style Black-Eyed Peas with Smoked Turkey Leg Recipe
Side Dish, Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler Side Dish, Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler

Crockpot Southern-Style Black-Eyed Peas with Smoked Turkey Leg Recipe

ndulge in the rich, smoky flavors of this classic Southern comfort food: Smoked Turkey Legs and Black-Eyed Peas cooked to perfection in a crockpot. This easy-to-prepare meal combines the heartiness of tender black-eyed peas with succulent smoked turkey, all simmered slowly in a savory broth enhanced with onions, garlic, and a blend of warming spices. Perfect for a relaxed weekend meal or a nutritious weekday dinner, it’s a wholesome dish that warms both the heart and the belly.

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Easy, Tender and Juicy Crockpot/Slow-Cooker Beef Pot Roast Recipe
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Easy, Tender and Juicy Crockpot/Slow-Cooker Beef Pot Roast Recipe

You guys have got to try making this beef pot roast in a crockpot. Picture this: you lift the lid and you’re instantly hit with this mouthwatering aroma. It’s like a warm culinary hug, seriously. The beef is so tender it practically melts in your mouth, and it’s soaked up all the flavors of garlic, rosemary, and a bit of thyme. It’s like each bite tells a story of hours of slow-cooking magic.

And let’s not forget the vegetables—carrots, potatoes, onions. They’ve all turned into these delicious, soft bites that have absorbed all the goodness from the meat and spices. They’re not just sides; they’re co-stars in this dish.

But the real showstopper? The gravy. It’s rich, it’s glossy, and it ties everything together. You’ll want to drizzle that all over your plate. Trust me, once you’ve tried this, you’ll understand why it’s the ultimate comfort food. So if you’re looking for something that’s not just filling but soul-warming, this beef pot roast is the dish to make.

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Gourmet Roasted Butternut Squash Soup Recipe
Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler

Gourmet Roasted Butternut Squash Soup Recipe

Indulge in the epitome of culinary luxury with our Gourmet Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, a masterpiece of flavors and textures that will leave your taste buds enchanted.

Picture this: cubes of velvety butternut squash, each one kissed by the flames of the oven to release their natural sweetness. As they roast to perfection, an entire garlic bulb nestles nearby, its cloves caramelizing into a symphony of rich and smoky undertones.

With tender care, we caramelize delicate onion slices until they become a golden elixir of sweetness. Into this aromatic dance, the roasted squash and garlic cloves join, creating a medley that tantalizes even before the first spoonful.

The alchemy continues as we introduce nutmeg, that warm embrace of spice, and dried sage, evoking memories of autumn’s embrace. Our culinary symphony crescendos with the addition of vegetable broth, merging the roasted essence of squash with the savory backdrop of a simmering pot.

At last, the time comes for transformation. A quick whirl of the immersion blender, or perhaps a countertop dance with the blending wizard, turns our medley into a silken elixir, a potion of ultimate comfort and luxury.

For those who crave a touch of indulgence, a whisper of cream is added, marrying the flavors and adding a luscious richness. A final touch, a drizzle of browned butter, weaves its way through the liquid gold, enhancing every spoonful.

And there it is, our Gourmet Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, a symphony of flavors that warms your soul and elevates your senses. As you savor each spoonful, you’ll find yourself lost in the layers of roasted goodness, the harmonious blend of spices, and the memory of autumn’s embrace.

Savor this masterpiece, for it is more than just a soup. It is an experience, a journey through taste and aroma that lingers long after the last drop. It’s a celebration of the artistry of ingredients and the magic of culinary craftsmanship. Enjoy, and let your senses be captivated by the symphony of flavors in every bowl.

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Lemon Garlic Pan Seared Spicy Scallop Fettuccine Recipe
Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler

Lemon Garlic Pan Seared Spicy Scallop Fettuccine Recipe

Imagine plump, succulent scallops seared to perfection, their delicate exterior crisp and golden, giving way to a juicy, tender center. These maritime gems are the crown atop a bed of freshly-made fettuccine, each strand generously coated in a luxurious sauce. A symphony of flavors unfolds in every bite: the zesty tang of lemon juice and aromatic zest harmonizes with the smoky kick of chili flakes and the spicy edge of Thai chilis. A fragrant cloud of minced garlic and fresh parsley lingers in the air, teasing the senses. This isn’t just pasta; it’s an experience.

As you twirl your fork around the fettuccine, you capture bits of velvety Parmesan, which has melted into the reduced chicken stock to create a sauce that’s both light and deeply comforting. Each bite is a delightful dance of textures and flavors, from the crunch of the chilis to the soft, yielding pasta. The scallops—oh, those scallops—elevate everything, their natural sweetness and succulence accentuated by the medley of flavors beneath them.

Made in a single pan to infuse every ingredient with complex, layered flavors, this Lemon Garlic Spicy Scallop Fettuccine Pasta offers an exquisite blend of sophistication and rustic charm. It’s a dish that promises not just to satisfy your hunger, but to tantalize your palate and leave you eagerly scraping the pan for the very last, delicious morsel.

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Not Your Mommas Fully Loaded Baked Spaghetti Recipe
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Not Your Mommas Fully Loaded Baked Spaghetti Recipe

Imagine twirling your fork into a luscious heap of perfectly cooked spaghetti noodles, each strand generously coated with a rich, velvety cream cheese and Parmesan blend. As you lift your fork, it unveils a sumptuous layer of meat sauce—a robust medley of ground pork and beef simmered to perfection with a rainbow of vegetables and a symphony of spices. Every bite bursts with flavors of garlic, basil, and a touch of chili heat. But the decadence doesn’t end there. A glossy, golden layer of ooey-gooey cheese sauce, enriched with creamy Kraft Singles, blankets the entire dish, adding a layer of indulgence that makes this baked spaghetti truly unforgettable. Baked to a golden perfection, this is comfort food that transcends tradition, making you realize that this is definitely not your momma’s spaghetti—it’s something extraordinary.

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Garlic Butter Ribeye Steak Bites Stuffed Cheesy Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe
Side Dish, Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler Side Dish, Dinner, Lunch Ashton Butler

Garlic Butter Ribeye Steak Bites Stuffed Cheesy Twice Baked Potatoes Recipe

Imagine sinking your teeth into a forkful of tender ribeye steak that’s been bathed in a luxurious garlic butter sauce. As you savor the juicy, perfectly cooked meat, your taste buds are greeted with a burst of rich flavors that dance on your palate. But wait, there’s more! This succulent steak is lovingly nestled inside a velvety twice baked potato, its creamy interior hugging the steak in a warm embrace. The potatoes themselves have been baked to crispy perfection, their skins delicately seasoned and offering a satisfying crunch as you take that first bite.

As the melted cheddar and mozzarella cheeses ooze and stretch with every forkful, you’ll find yourself in a symphony of textures and tastes. The ribeye’s bold flavor harmonizes with the mild creaminess of the mashed potato, while the garlic butter lends an aromatic and irresistible allure that keeps you reaching for another bite. The ribeye’s hearty, meaty essence is complemented by the freshness of chives, adding a vibrant touch to the dish. And don’t forget the finishing touch – a dollop of cool and tangy sour cream that contrasts beautifully with the warm, savory indulgence of the rest of the dish.

So, how do you achieve this culinary masterpiece? Start by selecting the finest baking potatoes you can find – those large, russet potatoes that promise a fluffy interior. As they bake, your kitchen will be filled with the irresistible aroma of baked potatoes, creating an anticipation that’s almost too much to bear. As the potatoes emerge from the oven, their skins will be golden and crispy, beckoning you to dive in.

While the potatoes cool slightly, you’ll prepare your ribeye steak with the care it deserves. Searing it to perfection in a skillet, you’ll witness the meat’s transformation – from raw to beautifully caramelized, its juices sealed in for a taste that’s nothing short of heavenly. The garlic butter dances in the pan, infusing the meat with its fragrant essence, turning this steak into a culinary superstar.

Then comes the moment of magic – scooping out the baked potato’s tender flesh, blending it with the succulent ribeye and an ensemble of cheese that promises to melt in all the right ways. As you stuff the mixture back into the potato skins, the anticipation will grow. With the stuffed potatoes back in the oven, the cheese becomes a molten treasure waiting to be discovered.

And finally, the pièce de résistance: the moment you’ve been waiting for. As you cut into the stuffed potato, the cheese stretches and mingles with the steak, creating a glorious medley of flavors and textures that’ll have your taste buds dancing. The chives add a dash of color and freshness, while the sour cream provides a creamy, cooling contrast that completes this culinary symphony.

Friends and family gathered around, eyes wide with delight, you’ll proudly present these masterpieces that you’ve created – the Garlic Butter Ribeye Steak and Cheese Stuffed Twice Baked Potatoes. A dish that transcends mere sustenance, it’s an experience, a celebration of flavors and textures that will leave everyone at the table craving just one more bite.

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Gourmet French Chicken Fricassee Recipe
Dinner Ashton Butler Dinner Ashton Butler

Gourmet French Chicken Fricassee Recipe

Hey there, beautiful souls! 🌟 Have you ever sunk your teeth into a dish that immediately transports you back to those cherished family dinners? A dish that embraces your soul with warmth and nostalgia? Well, get ready, because that’s precisely the sensation our Chicken Fricassee offers. And today, we’re diving deep into its deliciousness together.

Imagine: tender pieces of chicken, soaked in a sauce that’s creamy, luscious, and packed with earthy herbs and wholesome veggies. A bite into this and — bam! — your taste buds are on a joyride.

Starting off, we’ve got a whole chicken, cut up into its glorious parts - legs, thighs, wings, and those juicy breasts, all with the skin and bone intact. Why keep the skin and bone? Because that’s where the magic of flavor truly lies!

Now, it’s no secret that the key to this dish’s allure is in the browning. So, you get that chicken all seasoned and then give it a golden, crispy coat in butter. Can you smell that divine aroma? I certainly can! But hold on, the game’s just getting started.

Next up, the ever-faithful onion and the aromatic garlic. The duo that turns every dish from ‘meh’ to ‘magnificent’. Sauté them until they’re soft and translucent, then in goes your chicken broth and maybe a splash of white wine. Oh, the wine? It’s totally optional, but if you ask me, it brings that touch of elegant sophistication to the dish. 😉

The rest of the journey involves adding in carrots, celery, and a bay leaf. Let it all simmer, allowing the flavors to mingle and marry. And for the final act, we bring in the heavy cream, parsley, and thyme. This trio elevates the dish to a level that is, well, simply out of this world.

And because I adore you all, here’s a golden tip: For that ultra-rich flavor, ensure the chicken skin gets perfectly crispy when browning. Trust me, it makes all the difference.

Nutritionally, this dish boasts a balance of 470 calories, a wholesome 30g of protein, and a moderate carb content. It’s hearty, satisfying, and oh-so-delicious.

So, the next time you want a dish that’s a symphony of flavors and conjures up beautiful memories, you know what to whip up. Your kitchen, your rules, but Chicken Fricassee is an age-old classic that you absolutely must experience.

Until next time, keep those aprons on and the culinary creativity flowing. Bon Appétit! 🍴🍷

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Creamy Lemon Dill Pan Fried Flounder Recipe
Lunch, Dinner Ashton Butler Lunch, Dinner Ashton Butler

Creamy Lemon Dill Pan Fried Flounder Recipe

Hey there, foodies! Today, I’ve got a treat for you that’s straight out of my kitchen, inspired by those classic, heartwarming dishes we all adore. Let me introduce you to my Creamy Lemon Dill Pan Fried Flounder. Imagine flaky flounder filets, crisped to perfection, being bathed in a luxuriously creamy sauce that’s rich with butter and heavy cream. But, oh, it doesn’t stop there! The sauce is brightened up with a delightful hit of lemon, just enough to make your taste buds dance, and then it’s beautifully intertwined with the aromatic hints of garlic, onion, and dried dill. Every bite you take is like a journey – the zest from the lemon, the comforting embrace of the cream, and the herby whisper of dill. And to top it all off, a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese, because, why not? Whether you’re having a cozy dinner for one or hosting a fancy dinner party, this dish is a showstopper. Trust me, once you’ve tried it, you’ll be coming back for seconds… and thirds! Dive in and enjoy! 😊

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Easy and Delicious Spaghetti and Meatballs (The Meatballs ARE SUPER MOIST!)
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Easy and Delicious Spaghetti and Meatballs (The Meatballs ARE SUPER MOIST!)

Hearty Italian-Style Meatballs with Spaghetti. Imagine sinking your fork into tender meatballs, generously coated in a rich tomato sauce, nestled on a bed of perfectly cooked spaghetti. It’s the kind of dish that transports you to your favorite Italian restaurant, right in the comfort of your own home.

Imagine the flavors of garlic, onion, and aromatic herbs infusing every bite, while the savory Parmesan cheese adds a touch of indulgence. The meatballs, lovingly crafted with a blend of spices and Panko breadcrumbs, create a delightful contrast between the crisp exterior and the juicy, flavorful interior. And as you take that first forkful, you’ll be greeted with the comfort and warmth of a classic family recipe.

Why should you make this? Because it’s more than just a meal; it’s a journey to the heart of Italian cuisine. Whether you’re looking to impress your guests or simply craving a taste of nostalgia, this recipe has it all. The act of simmering those meatballs in the tangy tomato sauce not only fills your kitchen with the most tantalizing aroma but also promises a symphony of flavors that dance on your palate.

So gather your ingredients, clear your schedule, and let the art of cooking take center stage. As you serve up this delightful masterpiece, complete with a sprinkle of fresh basil and a shower of Parmesan cheese, you’ll find yourself creating not just a meal, but a cherished memory. Get ready to savor the magic of homemade Italian cuisine, as you share this delicious experience with your loved ones around the table.

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