Puff Pastry Apple Pie Recipe

Vegan Puff Pastry Apple Pie: A Perfect Treat for Every Occasion

If you are looking for a perfect vegan dessert recipe that will impress your friends and family, look no further than this vegan puff pastry apple pie. Made with a delicious combination of apples, brown sugar, vegan butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice, this dish is sure to become a staple in your recipe collection. Not only is it simple to make, but it's also packed with flavor and nutrition, making it an ideal treat for any occasion.

The Key Ingredient: Puff Pastry

Puff pastry is a flaky, layered pastry that is made from a simple mixture of flour, water, and vegan butter. The vegan butter is folded into the dough multiple times to create layers, which then puff up in the oven, creating a delicate and crunchy crust. Puff pastry is a versatile ingredient that can be used in a variety of dishes, including savory tarts, sweet pies, and more. In this recipe, we use vegan puff pastry as the base for our apple pie, creating a delicious crust that will compliment the sweet and spiced apples.

Choosing the Right Apples

When it comes to making an apple pie, the type of apples you use is crucial. In this recipe, we recommend using a combination of granny smith and golden delicious or pink lady apples. Granny smith apples are tart and firm, making them ideal for baking. The golden delicious or pink lady apples are sweeter and slightly softer, providing a nice contrast to the tartness of the granny smith apples.

Adding the Perfect Spices

Spices are what make this vegan puff pastry apple pie truly special. The combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice provides a warm and cozy flavor that perfectly complements the sweetness of the apples. The spices are added in two stages, with half being sprinkled on top of the puff pastry before the apples are added and the remaining half being added on top of the apples. This method ensures that the spices are evenly distributed throughout the dish, providing a consistent flavor in every bite.

Finishing Touches

The final touch for this vegan puff pastry apple pie is a generous drizzle of caramel and a big scoop of vanilla ice cream. The caramel provides a rich and indulgent flavor that perfectly balances the sweetness of the pie, while the vanilla ice cream adds a creamy texture that complements the flaky crust. If you're looking to add an extra touch of indulgence, serve the dish with a dollop of vegan heavy whipping cream.

Let’s Start Baking!

Whether you are a seasoned vegan cook or a beginner, this vegan puff pastry apple pie is a must-try recipe. With its simple ingredients and delicious flavor, it's sure to become a staple in your recipe collection. Serve it warm with a drizzle of caramel and a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a truly indulgent treat that everyone will love. So, preheat your oven and get ready to bake!

Substitutions for a Non-Vegan Version:

  1. Puff Pastry: If you are not following a vegan diet, you can substitute the vegan puff pastry for a traditional puff pastry that contains butter.

  2. Vegan Butter: You can substitute the vegan butter for regular butter.

Substitutions for Allergies:

  1. Gluten: For those with a gluten allergy, you can substitute the puff pastry for a gluten-free puff pastry or make your own using a gluten-free flour blend.

  2. Nuts: For those with a nut allergy, you can leave out the nutmeg in the recipe.

  3. Dairy: For those with a dairy allergy, you can substitute the heavy whipping cream for a dairy-free alternative such as coconut cream.

Note: When making substitutions, keep in mind that it may affect the final taste and texture of the dish.

Ingredients to Add for Additional Flavor:

  1. Lemon Juice: Adding a squeeze of lemon juice to the apples can brighten up the flavor and add a tangy twist.

  2. Raisins: Adding raisins to the recipe can add a sweet and chewy texture to the dish.

  3. Walnuts or Pecans: Chopped walnuts or pecans can add a crunchy texture and nutty flavor to the dish.

  4. Caramel Sauce: Drizzling caramel sauce over the finished dish can add a rich, sweet, and buttery flavor.

  5. Vanilla Extract: Adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the sugar and spices can enhance the flavor and add a touch of sweetness.

  6. Grated Ginger: Adding a bit of grated ginger to the sugar and spices can add a warm and spicy flavor to the dish.

  7. Brandy or Calvados: Adding a splash of brandy or Calvados to the recipe can add depth and richness to the flavor of the dish.

Complementary Dishes and Beverages to Serve with Vegan Puff Pastry Apple Pie

  • Vanilla Ice Cream: This classic dessert staple pairs well with the warm and spicy flavors of the vegan puff pastry apple pie.

  • Heavy Whipping Cream: A dollop of heavy whipping cream adds a creamy and rich flavor to the dish, complementing the sweetness of the apples.

  • Caramel Sauce: Drizzling caramel sauce over the top of the pie adds a sweet and rich flavor that pairs well with the warm spices in the dish.

  • Oatmeal: A warm bowl of oatmeal in the morning is a great way to start your day and balance out the sweetness of the pie.

  • Salad: A simple green salad with vinaigrette dressing provides a light and fresh contrast to the rich flavors of the pie.

  • Roasted Vegetables: Roasted vegetables, such as carrots, brussels sprouts, or sweet potatoes, are a great way to add a hearty and healthy component to the meal.

  • Grilled Pork Chops: Grilled pork chops are a flavorful and satisfying main course that pairs well with the sweetness of the pie.

  • Red Wine: A full-bodied red wine, such as a Pinot Noir or a Merlot, can enhance the spicy and sweet flavors of the pie.

  • Hard Cider: A crisp and refreshing hard cider provides a light and effervescent contrast to the richness of the pie.

  • Coffee: A cup of freshly brewed coffee is the perfect way to finish off the meal and balance out the sweetness of the pie.

A Delightful and Simple Vegan Puff Pastry Apple Pie Recipe Perfect for Holidays and Valentine's Day

In conclusion, this vegan puff pastry apple pie is not only delicious but also easy to make. The combination of sweet and spicy flavors, along with the flaky puff pastry, makes this recipe a standout dessert. Whether you are celebrating holidays or spending a cozy night in with loved ones on Valentine's Day, this vegan puff pastry apple pie is the perfect addition to your meal. So, why wait? Preheat your oven and gather the ingredients, it's time to treat yourself and those around you to a delicious and satisfying vegan puff pastry apple pie today!

Yield: 4-6
Vegan Puff Pastry Apple Pie

Vegan Puff Pastry Apple Pie

This recipe is for a vegan puff pastry apple pie, made with two types of apples, brown sugar, vegan butter, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. The puff pastry is divided into four rectangles and laid out on a lined cooking sheet. Half of the sugar and spices are sprinkled on top of the pastry, followed by vegan butter and sliced apples arranged on top. The remaining sugar and spices are added and the dish is baked in the oven for 15-25 minutes. The finished dish is best served warm with vegan plant based whipping cream, caramel, and vanilla ice cream.
Prep time: 20 MinCook time: 25 MinTotal time: 45 Min


  • 1 sheet of vegan puff pastry, divided into fourths or 4 small rectangular puff pastries
  • 1 granny smith green apple, cored & sliced thin
  • 1 golden delicious or pink lady apple, cored & sliced thin
  • 1/4-1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 stick of vegan butter
  • 1 tbsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tsp of nutmeg
  • 1 tsp of allspice


  1. Preheat your oven to 375F.
  2. Line a cooking sheet with baking paper.
  3. Align your puff pastry evenly on the baking paper lined cooking sheet.
  4. Use half of the sugar and half of each of the spices and sprinkle them on top of the puff pastries.
  5. Divide the vegan butter equally and dot each puff pastry equally with the vegan butter.
  6. Top with apple slices. You can arrange them however you like. I bunches mines on top of each other. They will bake down. Don’t worry.
  7. Top with remaining brown sugar and spices.
  8. Place into the oven and bake for 15-25 minutes, depending on your oven how crispy you want your edges.
  9. This dish is best served warm with some vegan plant based heavy whipping cream, drizzled caramel and big scoop of vanilla ice cream!
  10. Serve and enjoy!

Nutrition Facts


23.46 g


248.77 mg

Sat. Fat

13.35 g


4.99 g

Net carbs

51.51 g


4.35 g


35.22 g


30.37 mg


55.87 g


547.3 kcal
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Ashton Butler

Hi! My name is Ashton, and I go by JustLikeGranny on all of my social media platforms. I am a 30-year-old disabled home cook. I enjoy cooking (obviously), crocheting, and thrift-store shopping. I have a partner named David and two little furball babies called Oscar and Olivia. I hope you enjoy my website and all of the recipes on it. Please don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter for delicious weekly recipes!


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